My new pre-workout snack! Or post-dinner dessert. Or mid-afternoon bite.
Actually, screw it. These Bliss Bites are for anyone at any time!
High in protein and fiber, made with healthy fats, and sweetened with nutritious dates, these delicious Chocolate-Coconut bites of heaven are bound to be one of your new top favorite recipes.

-Great pre-workout option
-Grab and go breaky- package a couple up the night before and enjoy with your oat milk latte for a special breakfast treat
-A dessert option you can enjoy guilt-free
-Picky kids, needy roommate, or hangry relative? Great snack option to share with those who could benefit from having their mouth full and blood sugars level for a while so you can read ‘How To Be A Bad Ass’ in peace.

Coconut flour- A delicious and naturally sweetened flour great for those who are celiac or gluten-free. Coconut is rich in fiber and contains medium-chain triglycerides also known as MCTs. MCT’s are more readily absorbed than other long-chain fatty acids such as omega 3’s and6’s found in foods like walnuts, flaxseed oil, soybean, canola oil, fatty fish, meat, poultry, and eggs. Coconut oil is also high in fiber which supports weight loss and balancing blood sugar levels. This is why I love this recipe as a pre-workout snack. It keeps me satiated, energized, and ready to crush my upcoming sweat sesh!
Dates– I used to avoid dates at all costs thinking they were just another form of sugar. It wasn’t until I dug into this delicious nature’s candy until I realized what I was missing out on. Do they contain natural sugars? Yes. But they do not act the same or have the same effects in the body as other sugars. Dates are high in fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugars ensuring blood levels don’t spike. This is why those with diabetes can enjoy dates in moderation. I mean who eats more than 2-3 in one sitting anyway?
Dates are also high in potassium which helps build muscle and proteins in the body giving you another reason why to incorporate these before or after your workout.

Protein-Protein has many essential functions in the body. Unfortunately, it has been used and abused by the muscle men of America giving young women the idea that if you take protein, you too will become ‘bulky’ and ‘swole’. This is not the case. I’ve created a whole blog on this topic you can find here. You’ll learn what types of plant-based protein to enjoy along with how much protein is right for your body type, goals, and activity level.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know my obsession with Genuine Health Protein.
Another common question I am asked is “what type of protein do I use and what doesn’t taste ‘chalky, cause bloating, make you want to run away and never see, smell or taste another protein powder in your life ever again?’”
I’ve tried a lot of proteins in my day and always come back to this one as it tastes delicious, doesn’t cause bloating and I use it myself almost every day.
FYI-I don’t get a kickback from mentioning them. It is truly a company I love. In fact, I asked THEM if I could have a discount code to offer to you because I believe in their product so much and know that you will like it too.
So use the discount code CHARAMARIE if you’re in search of a new protein powder. I LOVE their greens powder too! I used it to make this delicious Sneaky Green Coconut Cookies recipe.
Let’s dive into the Chocolate-Coconut Bliss Ball recipe, shall we?!

Chocolate Coconut Bliss Bites
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp ground flax seeds
- 1/3 cup coconut shreds
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1 scoop vegan chocolate protein I use Genuine Health. See link & discount code above in blog.
- 6 dates
- pinch salt rock, sea or Himalayan
- In a blender add coconut milk, flax and dates. Blend well until paste like consistency.
- In a bowl add coconut flour, coconut shreds, salt, and date and flax seed paste. Mix well.
- Line a plate with parchment paper or Saran wrap.
- Using your hands, form 10-11 small balls using the coconut dough. Put on the lined plate and place in freezer for 5 minutes.
- In a small sauce pan, add protein powder and coconut oil. Heat on low mixing well until chocolate sauce is formed.
- Grab the bliss bites out from the freezer and slowly drizzle coconut over each one. Option to sprinkle with additional coconut before placing back in freezer for 10 minutes.
- Take out of freezer and enjoy! Store in fridge for up to 1 week or freezer to last longer.