Why Meal Planning Is Worth Your Time
“Failing to prepare is like preparing to fail.”
We’ve heard it before, but have we really taken it in? Thought about it? Or put it into action?
During your weight loss journey, it often feels like it’s you against the world. Searching for healthy food on the go can be a never-ending treasure hunt. Social gatherings can give you anxiety because you know what kind of food you’ll be surrounded by and ‘hangry’ has become your middle name.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all these problems could be solved by dedicating just an hour or two of time each week? Well, it can!
The answer: PREPARATION!
I can honestly say I LOVE my prep time. I pour myself a tasty cup of tea or kombucha, put on some tunes and get to it! It’s no longer work for me. It’s a time of relaxation I look forward to.
I know on a Sunday you may not feel like setting aside the time to prep but believe me when I say it is SO worth it. Scheduling an hour or two of prep time can cover your full week of healthy meals. Nobody said being fit, lean and healthy is a simple task but I can promise you the prep time makes it a whole lot easier!
What you can gain by preparing meals ahead of time:
-Having tasty snacks on hand to keep you energized throughout the day without wrecking havoc on your weight loss. They also keep you out of the bakeries and coffee shops that are overflowing with unworthy temptations and pre-packaged food.
–Less time in the kitchen on a day to day basis which means getting that workout in, meeting friends, family, going for a walk, reading, arts, and crafts! Whatever you choose to do in your spare time. Basically more time after work doing what makes you happy!
–Calorie control. By preparing your meals, your controlling what ingredients you are putting into your body. So no sneaky high trans fat, sodium, sugar, and oils aren’t making their way through the menu into your mouth.
–Increased mood. Bye Hangry Felicia! Being hangry is a terrible thing. It tends to really affect us females. We turn into a totally different person, even we are like, ‘who the shit is this crazy girl?’ No one likes a Moody Mandy….So take a little time to prepare some healthy snacks like the ones in my BCBP Kickstart and get used to everyone wanting to spend their lunch hours with the positive, outgoing person you really are!
– Reaching your goals! All of the above plays a roll in getting you to achieving your goals in health, fitness and becoming the best version of you!
Find an easy-peasy-delicious meal prep recipe here